Friday, 21 September 2012


Nothing is Impossible if you really Mind to do it

The whole Universe is created, controlled and monitored by  GOD "Paramatma". And all the creatures are a fraction or a part of him "Souls of a Super soul". God is Everywhere, will be always around us but we unaware of it. If we feel  means some signs will brings us the awareness about the presence of God in everything.

        Every one have some Spiritual power of mind, which alerts us about the things going around us, whether its right or wrong.This is because of our " knowledge of soul " a God gift, we need to explore it. A common man can do amazing achievements by the power of WILL. Because nothing is impossible if we really mind to do it. Desires of us will builds the capacity of handling things in order to fulfill our dreams, but we should be very patient, dedicated and disciplined. 

       No one or nothing can brings us the joy or sorrow, it's left our mind because all the things are under the control of it. We can enjoy every moment of life whether it may bringing happiness/sorrow being a positive thinker. Because all our joys and sorrows are by the way thinking of it. We can have the power of turning an sad moment into an happy moment and as well happy moment into sad too by the way of handling it. 

        It doesn't mean that The most happiest person don't  have any problems or don't have sadness? . Life is like a mixture, it has all things so we need to accept whatever comes and face it gracefully because nothing is permanent including us. Then we will enjoy the real beauty of Life.

         Explore the Insight of mind which lets us to step in the right path. Before doing anything it will fills some positiveness within us so we can achieve anything overcoming all the problems with the awareness about good as well as bad. In Life risk is mandatory thing , nothing comes to our finger tips easily so try to have strong mind.

       Our purpose of life is to live happily with everyone with what we had and trying for the best to happen. Most of us think about only the past or future, But we are in present it's not good. So forget about the past ,Live for the present then best thing is going to happen in future. Set your goals at very high and work for it keeping " who am i? where am i ? and what's my job ? " in mind which alerts us to move in right path ultimately going to achieve something great.

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